Image for KG-BGR33FB

Sex Fortune Cookie Bath Bomb Fishbowl Display of 48 Units - Strawberry Cream and Vanilla

  • Item Number
  • KG-BGR33FB
Manufacturer: Kheper Games
Availability: Not In Stock (On Order)
Product UPC: 825156111536

Instead of buying a full Chinese Take Out Box, how about a full take out of 48 fortune cookies! It is Strawberry Cream and Vanilla Scented and dissolves slowly in the water to reveal a hidden message! This arousing bath bomb is perfect for couples to further explore their sexual desires or for her pleasure alone. Enjoy all the fortune cookies with messages that say "You are the master of every situation... in bed! (be dominant)" also "It is better to give than to receive... oral sex" or "Talking dirty will get you where you want to be"!

  • Weight:4.3 pounds (68.8 Ounces)
  • Date Released:01/22/2024
  • Display:Counter
  • Country of Origin:CN

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